Sunday, 21 September 2014

I'll Tell You What I Want, What I Really Really Want.

Can't beat a bit of Spice Girls on a Sunday afternoon.

Current pretties I want and will sulk like a 5 year old until I get am admiring:

Beautiful necklace - don't know if I could justify £28.00 on costume jewellery but it's sooooo lovely.

So there you have it - my latest "please, oh please, PLEASE" list. Does anyone have any of the dresses? I'd love to see them on normal people (not that I'm saying the Asos models aren't "normal" before Asos send in their lawyers for slandering their models) ;-) 



  1. I love that necklace. I have a thing about huge necklaces recently. x x

  2. Me too. Well, as in, I love the look of them but don't actually own any... think I should try a cheaper version first in case I'm not comfortable - I'm a bit weird with necklaces; I hate the feel of anything tight or constrictive,feel like I'm choking! xx

  3. The coat and the boots would look so lush for autumn x
